Seahaven Towers
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Seahaven Towers is a solitaire card game similar to Free Cell.
- Play Seahaven Towers in your browser!
This requires a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. The page should be mobile friendly. - Get the source code!
The cards are initially dealt out into 10 tableau piles holding 5 cards each and the remaining two cards are dealt to the reserved cells. There are four reserved cells total, each can hold at most one card. The object of the game is to move all cards to the foundations (at top left and right) from Ace to King by following suits.
On the tableau piles you can build down from King to Ace following suit, the reserved cells can hold any card, but only one. Empty tableau piles may hold kings. You can move the cards only one by one. Only the lowest card from the tableau piles and the cards on reserved cells are available.
The program will do some moves automatically: It will move all cards to the foundations as soon as they get available. It will move all matching cards from the reserved cells back to the tableau piles. When moving cards from the tableau piles it will move all cards of the current suit as long as there is enough space in the reserved cells. Also you just have to say which card to move, and the program will automatically determine the destination.
If you think you're stuck you can check if the game is still solvable. It will give you a tick or a cross as an answer. If you're stuck you can undo your moves to a position where the tick appears; the tick or cross will update for every move. If you're stuck on the initial position that game had no solution. Click the check button again to hide the tick/cross.
The cards use graphics from Nicu's playing cards. They also include glyphs from the Nimbus Sans font. The final card layout is by me. The animated gears are from Garey Simpson's CodePen. The tick and checkbox icon are from the Open Clipart library: The cross is by gcross, the tick is by Kliponius.
Seahaven Towers for Pocket PC and Palm (old)

The Palm version is black and white only and does not support high resolution. Feel free to update the game if you like...
You can download Seahaven as source or binary. To compile the Palm sources you need the GNU compiler tools: prc-tools, gcc, binuitls, pilrc. These can be downloaded from the PRC-Tools website at sourceforge. To compile the Pocket PC sources you need Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 and Pocket PC 2003 SDK. These can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web Site for free. Unfortunately they are only available for Windows.
- Seahaven-ARM.exe (25 KByte)
- (11 KByte)
- Seahaven-PPC-src.tar.gz (25 KByte)
- Seahaven-Palm-src.tar.gz (21 KByte)
- (21 KByte)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.